International Nanny Training Day

We had a great Saturday attending and being a sponsor at International Nanny Training Day at Modern Milk. International Nanny Training Day was created to provide training and support to nannies to help foster excellence in the nanny profession. Caring Nannies is proud to be affiliated with National Nanny Training Day since it was first initiated in 2012. As with any profession, continued education is vital and when caregivers are trained and knowledgeable, children clearly benefit.
Training began with an amazing presentation by Jill Peterson who is with Hermonia. Jill talked about BE-ing vs. DO-ing, which referenced the impact you have as a nanny and how to chose who you want to be every day. Starting with picking two goals you want to set for yourself for that day. It was very inspirational, motivating and Jill is hilarious! Our next session was by Chelsea Kunde with Building Blocks AZ talking about super power discipline styles. Chelsea was so sweet and funny giving us a lot of great ideas on finding solutions in creative ways. Some of our favorites is the calm down jar, sensory box, time out box and behavior charts. After our lunch break, Meredith Madsen shared some very informative tools on how to perfect a resume and how to be stellar for an interview! Meredith has so much experience in the field and had a lot of great tips and tricks to share!

Overall, we had so much fun learning and enjoying our day International Nanny Training! Many thanks to our friends at The Nanny Joynt for hosting this amazing event for nannies to come together to collaborate.
~Caring Nannies
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