Every year Caring Nannies searches for a charity during the Christmas Season that reaches out to children and families, and we want to join Uncle Si at Duck Dynasty with one of our favorite projects: filling a shoebox with essential items for a child overseas. Soap, toothbrush, pencils, a notepad, and a small gift.
Last year, we were able to buy a goat and two chickens for a family in a third world country. Here are some details to help you fill and send out your own shoebox. You can choose the age and sex of the child who receives your gift box, use the suggested list, and locate the closest drop-off point with the information below.
We have long felt, and research backs confirms, that volunteering is the best way to build character not only in children, but in us adults! Join us in this worthy effort!

As Si Robertson might say, “Take a sip o’ tea, mow a little grass” andget ready to pack shoeboxes! The beloved uncle of the family that makes the famousDuck Commander duck calls has teamed up with Operation Christmas Child to help children in poor countries through a shoebox gift.
National Collection Week is coming November 18-25. Along with Si,you can be a part of sending love and joy to children around the world.
Watch this brand new video to find out what Si wanted to pack in hisshoebox—and what actually made the final cut. You’ll also findexclusive behind-the-scenes footage from Si’s video shoot, and some
great ideas for packing your own shoeboxes.
Discover the destination of your shoebox by making your $7 per boxshipping donation online. Samaritan’s Purse will send an emailtelling you the destination of your gift, along with information about Operation Christmas Child in that country.
Remember to drop off your shoeboxes November 18-25.It’s easy to find the nearest collection site with our online locator. You canalso build a shoebox online with our fun, interactive website.
© 2013 Samaritan’s Purse PO Box 3000 | Boone NC 28607 | 828-262-1980 |
Beth Weise