An outgoing, bubbly and dynamic Nanny/Manager, Briana had nurturing and loving preschool teachers growing up and found she’d developed a passion for childcare herself. She babysat from the age of 12, and nannied through high school and college. Because of a cousin who contracted encephalitis and epilepsy, she became certified as a PCA (Personal Care Attendant) in order to be his caregiver. She learned how to change a g-tube and even transitioned into senior care, but her interests eventually narrowed down to childcare. She began nannying professionally, including two years with a newborn and later a preemie, and another year with two year old twins! She was also an after-school nanny for a family with 5 and 6 year old school-agers.

“When I transitioned from babysitter to nanny, I felt like I’d become a family member, she explained. Having a child run up to you and throw their arms around you means so much,” she shared. “As a nanny, I’m teaching them, cooking with them, disciplining them, teaching manners, respect, and academics. I love bonding with kids and teaching them new things. Seeing the child connect with you and ask about you when you’re not there, makes it worth it for me. That to me is everything.”

One of her strengths is that she’s good at getting things done. In the words of one of her references: “She is very good at keeping the kids on task, keeping them focused on what they need to get done. She doesn’t let them run over her. She’s very loving but is very good at ‘Come on guys, lets get this done.’ Homework, shower, activities. She’s my best nanny for that. She’s reliable, gets stuff done, and when they get home they’ll know its done. I had another sitter who focused more on academics and another sitter who read all the time to them and got them into reading but maybe she didn’t empty the dishwasher all the time. With Briana, I’d come home, the kids were in their PJs, showered, dinner eaten and homework done.”

Another family described her strengths this way: “Playfulness, genuinely loves the kids, patient, respectful, positive with kids, makes them comfortable, puts them at ease, is a good disciplinarian.” This Mom shared with us that Briana made her life easier on several levels by cooking dinner, doing laundry, cleaned house, drove the kids to many activities, cleaned the fridge, and did any extra help needed. She even traveled to Florida with this family.

Briana is also very patient, and is skilled at making mundane events special. She keeps checklists and is organized and prepared. She researches educational activities and comes in on Monday mornings with a plan. Confident, fun and smart, she has a double  BA in Law and Public Affairs plans to start law school in 2015 or 2016. Since she’ll be working full time and taking night school classes, Briana is able to give a family a five to six year commitment with gradually decreasing hours. Perfect for a young family as kids start school and then only need an after school nanny. Most of her experience is with ages newborn to four years. Briana was recently placed in a full-time nanny manager position with a family with a six month old baby in North Scottsdale. Keep up the good work, Briana!


Beth Weise

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For a family-friendly company like Edward Jones, the Childcare for their Regional Conventions is a priority. This June, Caring Nannies has been busy making sure that the children at two Edward Jones Regional Conventions with 45 and 48 kids  is memorable! We have gotten rave reviews from our Maritz Travel team members and parents, who told us that in the last 12 years, they have not seen such a well-run program. The events took place at at the relaxing Sedona Hilton and the luxurious Montelucia in Phoenix. Jenny Riojas and her team have been  planning art activities and games, shopping for supplies, evaluating ratios, and staffing the events. We love the Edward Jones conventions, because the kids are amazing–respectful, smart, focused, and a joy to be with.

Here are some pictures from the last two weekends. Thank You, Maritz Travel and Edward Jones and all you terrific kids and parents and the amazing staff at The Sedona Hilton and the Montelucia!

Nannies team will make it even more fun with our on-site childcare services. Whether you are putting on a corporate event, company meeting, wedding or a party, we have you covered. We can come with toys, blocks, memorable crafts and active games to transform a room into a welcoming environment for children ages 0-14, fully staffed with our energetic team. Contact us for a customized proposal and pricing and to schedule your event.

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