2013 INA Convention Louisville

This year’s INA Convention was in Louisville, KY and Jenny got a rough start with her plane postponed initially, then got stuck in Chicago overnight due to bad weather, but she powered through and had a wonderful time networking with other agencies, nannies from across the country and vendors. She came away with ideas on how to better serve our families and meet the needs of our dedicated nannies.

Sessions were offered on how to set up Thematic Learning Stations, Social Graces for the 21st Century, Making the Most of Executive skills, Safe Sleep for Newborns, Understanding SIDS/SUID/Suffocation, Teaching Responsibility to Children, Emergency Preparedness for the Home, Developing Treasure Baskets for Young Children, Understanding Special Needs, Building an Exceptional Client Relationship, and Understanding and Encouraging Healthy Sleep, Understanding Infant and Toddler Temperaments, Caring for Teens in Today’s Social Media Culture, and Communicating With Families When Developmental Red Flags Appear, and many many more workshops were featured. Jenny came away motivated to put everything she learned into practice and make Caring Nannies even better.

We’re so thankful to all of our families and nannies who make it possible for Caring Nannies to serve them.
We were also excited to see one of our very own Nannies, Maryann, be honored as a Nominee for the INA Nanny of the Year Award! Good work, Maryann!

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