

September 27, 2012 Uncategorized By admin No Comments


There was a loving, matronly family friend named Amy, who came over to babysit us six children. She read to us, made sure we brushed our teeth and put us to bed, so my hardworking Mom could get her one night a week out for choir practice.

One night, she put my younger brother and sister to bed, and the rest of us were playing tag and hide ‘n seek in the front yard. When it got dark, she called us in. We were surprised at first that she couldn’t see us in the deepening shadows of our Tucson lawn, but when we realized that, we all instantly and mischievously crouched down in the dark, and then we were even more surprised that she gave up and went inside, probably to call my parents. Without a second thought, we just instantly took off running. The four of us ran through the neighborhood for quite a while. We weren’t bad kids, it was just a group impulse. I don’t recall what punishment we had, I’m sure we had to apologize to Amy, but I still recall the thrill of the moment.
Now I can imagine what Amy went through, since I’ve raised my own five children and babysat for my eight grandchildren.
What would we do without our nannies and babysitters and baby nurses and helpers!

 It’s National Nanny Recognition Week and a great time to let your nanny or babysitter know how much you appreciate their invaluable partnership in raising your children. I interview nannies every week in the office, and I love hearing their passion for children like the one today: “I have a passion for children. I just love children. I’m interested in what they’re learning. I love teaching them new things.”
 They are teachers, singers, rockers, chauffeurs, band aid and comfort dispensers, cooks, potty trainers, laundresses, toy safety inspectors, playmates, mentors, role models,  mediators, counselors, and so much more!
 Tell the nanny in your life or the ones in your past how grateful you are for them loving you or your children! It’s great to give them a card or gift, but even more important is to let them know just how much they mean to you. Thank them for their dedication, patience, insight, understanding and flexibility, developmental know-how, and interaction. Tell them how much you appreciate their ongoing commitment to you and your own relationship with them.
  You could give her a card signed by every member of your family, or if you’d like, give flowers, a weekend at your vacation home with her family, or a spa day.

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